FAMILY ACROYOGA TEACHER TRAINING - module age group 3 - 6 with Esther & Guest teachers
FAMILY ACROYOGA TEACHER TRAINING – module age group 3 – 6 with Esther & Guest Tecahers

Our teacher training program focuses on teaching both children and adults in a safe and supportive environment. The training consists of two modules: one for children aged 3-6 and their adults, and another for children aged 7-12 and their adults. In this module we focus on how to teach Family AcroYoga to age group of 3 – 6 year olds and their parents.

This module will be taught Esther Hertog & Guest Teachers. Esther is a master Family AcroYoga teacher. Together with Tatjana and Mireia she developed Family Acroyoga International.

Confirmed guest teachers are:
Inez Almeida – she is a very experienced and advanced acroyoga teacher, dancer and mime artist, she will give a workshop on body awareness & embodiment of teaching. Additionally she will give an acroyoga class focussing on AcroYoga technique.

Liese Peleman –  from Fit with Kid – is a certified Family AcroYoga International teacher, Osteopath and physiotherapist. She will give a workshop on the motoric development of children en a workshop integrating this theory in a family Acroyoga workshop.

Marjolein Wagter – Is a very experienced acrobat and teacher at the circus teacher training of Circuspunt. Marjolein will give a workshop on games as a tool, and the world of experience of a young children.

Carles Amaya Viaplana – is a certified Family AcroYoga International teacher, kids yoga teacher, acrobat and artist. He will teach an example Family Acroyoga class.

You have the option to choose one module however we recommend to complete both. Upon successful completion of both modules, you will earn your Family AcroYoga certification.

At the end of the training we organise a Family Acroyoga Festival in which you, the students of the teacher training, will teach the workshops so you can experience teaching ‘real’ children and their families.

DATES upcoming modules

2025 – Module age group 3-6: 
Thursday 29 May – Sunday 1 June 2025

2025 – Module age group 7-12:
Thursday 18 – 21 sept 2025

* Upon successful completion of both modules, you will earn your Family AcroYoga certification.


To reserve your space in the Family Acroyoga International Teacher Training, click the Application link via Hipsy below and:
– Answer the questions in the form as detailed as you can (we want to get to know you!)
– Proceed to pay the €300 deposit (excl. 21% BTW/VAT)

* If you have any questions contact us at