Kirstine Spir – Manager Family AcroYoga International
Kirstine has organized and managed cultural events continuously since the 1990s and is studying to become a Master of Child and Youth Cultures at The University of Southern Denmark.
In 2015 she did her first workshop in Family AcroYoga with her then five year old son – and became a certified Family AcroYoga teacher in 2019. Soon after she became the chairman of the danish association promoting and organizing AcroYoga events for children and their adults.
For Kirstine, it is a matter of the heart to create opportunities where kids and grownups can train, play and laugh together. To educate skilled and motivated teachers who can facilitate safe spaces where families can be physically balanced and have a shared positive experience.
Do you have questions about the Family Acroyoga teacher training?:
Contact Kirstine about the payment for the FAY TT and any other practicalities:
Contact Esther about content of the FAY TT: